Stick the kettle on and brew up for a good cause, residents are urged

Miller Homes coffee morning.Miller Homes coffee morning.
Miller Homes coffee morning.
Residents at Miller Homes developments across the area are being urged to put the kettle on and invite all their friends and neighbours round for a cuppa in support of the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning.

The annual event, hosted by Macmillan, will this year take place on Friday September 27 and it is hoped that people will take the opportunity to extend the arm of friendship to fellow homeowners to raise money for the charity.

And for each event that is held at one of its developments, Miller Homes will donate a box of Yorkshire Tea to help the proceedings go down a treat.

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Sales director for Miller Homes Yorkshire Steve McElroy said: “The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning is a great event raising money for a fantastic cause. It’s a great opportunity too for homeowners at our developments to invite their neighbours round and get to know them all whilst enjoying a cuppa and a slice of cake.”

The event, which last year raised almost £15m, sees thousands of people getting together across the globe to catch up on gossip, offer support, drink copious amounts of tea and coffee and eat cake, all for just making a small donation to this amazing charity.

Miller Homes residents who are hosting an event and wish to claim their free box of tea should inform the sales office at their development by Sunday (September 22).