Ex Dewsbury Rams player jailed for making girlfriend's life a 'nightmare'

Daniel IgbinedionDaniel Igbinedion
Daniel Igbinedion
A woman who was subjected to coercive and controlling behaviour by her partner has told of her "nightmare journey" after he was jailed.

Katy Lyles said she hoped that speaking out about her experiences with Daniel Igbinedion would encourage other domestic abuse victims to seek help.

Igbinedion, aged 26, of Hallywell Crescent, Beckton in London, was sentenced today (Tuesday) at Bradford Crown Court to a total term of three years and three months, after he was found guilty of assault and coercion offences in October.

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Igbinedion, who played for Dewsbury Rams between 2017 and 2019, was remanded in custody ahead of his sentencing, where he was also given a five-year restraining order preventing him from contacting Ms Lyles.

Ms Lyles, who was in a relationship with Igbinedion for around 18 months, said: “I first met Daniel at the gym. He seemed like a decent guy, but he quickly became very possessive and jealous.

“About six months into our relationship he became physically violent, and showed me that he had a very evil side to him.

“He made threats which made me scared of what he would do to me and my family. He held me prisoner and followed me everywhere.

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“He proposed to me and even promised that he would never harm me again – if I accepted a promise ring from him.

"I rejected his proposal and then, months later, he tried to kill me.”

Igbinedion was arrested in December 2020 after Ms Lyles came forward to police.

He was taken into custody, where he was charged with three counts of assault occasioning actually bodily harm, as well as engaging in coercive and controlling behaviour and remanded to appear before magistrates.

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“I came forward in the hope that I would potentially save the life of a future victim,” Ms Lyles said.

“I would encourage anyone who is suffering from domestic abuse to keep notes, take photos and speak to a friend or a family member.

“Please take the first step and report your abuser to the police – your safety will be their priority.

"Get out of there, but do it safely. There are lots of confidential helplines and groups who can support you.

“I’d like to thank West Yorkshire Police for their help and support in ending this nightmare journey and finally getting some justice for what I had to suffer.”